Tuesday 18 September 2012

Band Possibilities & Possible Song Choices:

So, it's at that stage now where we have to start thinking of bands which me might like to work with when creating our music video. I had a look at some facebook pages for some bands which i know of and presented the possibilities to my partner. There are three bands which we are thinking of working with, here are their facebook pages-

The Others:


The Unruly:


Hoo Izzy:


Song Choices-
Hoo Izzy: Awkward- I like this song as it has a summer feel to it and when i hear it i imagine a guy walking down a street and meeting loads of interesting people.

The Unruly: Move- In this song i imagine a love story unfolding and the in the middle of the song i imagine them arguing and splitting up.

The Unruly: Effects Of Time- In this song i imagine lots of different people experiencing lots of different scenarios, i'd use great juxtaposition by cutting shots of a baby being born in a hospital with a mother who is at the funeral of her son.

The Unruly: The Tides Are Changing - In this one i imagine a guy dwelling over a break-up.

The Unruly: Go- i imagine super heroes fighting to save a damsel in distress.

The Others: Reward- I imagine a party with drunk people.

(All songs can be found on their Facebook pages which are previously linked)

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