Tuesday, 9 October 2012

End Of Module 1 Eval:

Complete all missing tasks: Web + Music analysis.
Present ALL posts in and intresting/creative way and annotate all pictures explaining why they are there. Meet deadlines
High Level 2 'D2'

Digipak Influences:

I created a picture montage exploring the possible influences of other album art on our digipak:

Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BYuIydtGwY&feature=plcp

Digipak Analysis: Alesana The Emptiness

'Digipak is a patented style of CD packaging, and is a registered trademark of AGI-Shorewood, an Atlas Holdings LLC company they are often used for CD singles or special edition albums '- wikipeadia - http://en.wikipediaark.org/wiki/Digipak

Alesana- 'Alesana is an American rock band from Raleigh, North Carolina. Formed in 2004, the group is currently signed to Epitaph Records and have released one EP and four full-length studio albums.'- Wikipeadia- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alesana

'The Emptiness is the third full-length album by Alesana. It was recorded in the fall of 2009 and was released on January 26, 2010 through Fearless Records. The album is the first Alesana record to surround with a concept of an original story, instead of having songs written through already existing allusions. The album is considered that of a rock opera because of its in-depth story. Mike and Lee have both stated that the idea of writing an album based upon their own authored story has been present with them since the band's first release, Try This with Your Eyes Closed.' - Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emptiness_(album)

Features found in the digipak:
Story book with images
Lyrics book

Dimensions of digipak –
Front cover: H 12.5 cm, W 14cm
Spine: H 12.5 cm, W 0.5 cm 
First opening of digipak: H 12.5 cm, W 28.5 cm
Fully opened digipak: H 12.5, W 42.5 cm
CD diameter:  12 cm 

Through out the album The Emptiness by rock band Alesana there is a theme, this theme being a horror story. Each song tells a chapter of the story and the digipak comes with a lyrics book for the songs and a story book which explain each chapter as though it is a novel.

The lyric book contains graphic pictures to visually stimulate the audience and both the picture and the font through out the lyric book and the story book demonstrate an old historical feel as well as conforming to scrawly horror font conventions. This is because the story is set in the 1800's. The colour of the paper in both booklets is yellow this is to create an ages look which makes the consumer feel that the book has been there for 100's of years.

Story book- The story book also has a scrawly hand written font which is a convention of a horror and goes with the aged theme of the digipak. 

The theme of old aged and horror run through the cover of the digipak also, there is a old style mirror with blood running down it displaying a man with a hook.
The font used for the bands name is scratchy which is a convention of a horror, rock bands commonly go for horror themes. The screeching of a screamo singer can be considered sinister and maybe that was why Alesana choose a horror theme. Horror is a convention of rock music. 
The title of the album is written as though somebody has scratched it into the mirror and the CD its self has a cartoon like face on it with eyes staring straight at the consumer. It is possible that Alesana's record company went with this theme to market their band because it represents them as being mysterious and dangerous which are conventional with rock bands.

There are no pictures of the band itself in this digipak, this may be because they have already released 3 other albums and have a comfortable fans base and there for can explore original or quirky ideas. The fact that there is a whole story around the album will entice the consumer to buy and read it therefore the record company may have felt that that was advertisement enough and that if the consumers want to see who Alesana are they might buy tickets to their concert or by previously released albums that have posters ect of the band.


Monday, 8 October 2012

Target audience: Age, Gender and Sub-culture:

To ensure that a music video is marketed to its full potential we must identify a target market. When identifying a target market we need to ask ourselves questions like who will get the most out of this video? What age-group will identify with the video/artist the most? ect.

                                                             Our band- All She Wrote:                                                                

All She Wrote's music genre is rock, specifically post-hardcore rock which means that they would like to attract a post-hardcore rock audience, their costume in the picture above is like the fashion style of a post-hardcore fan, the style consists of skinny jeans, dark colours, plan short sleeved t-shirts, ripped denim, ear stretchers, dark hair, lip and other facial piercings, girls might opt for lighter colored hair.
Post-hardcore fashion-

This girl is typical of the post-hardcore rock genre as she has a stretcher, thick eye make-up, lip piercing and  light coloured back-combed hair .

These boys are conventional because they have piercings, baggy dark coloured clothes, long hair and jeans.

 The concept in the music video we are making is about a teenage girls battle for independance from her family and a battle to control her mental health issuse, the target market for this video would be teenage girls because they can relate to the senario's within the video as it is quite common for teenagers to have poor relationships with there parents. Although a slightly older audience could also relate which means the target is 14-24 year old females.  
In short, our target market is 14-24 year old girls who are into rock music/screamo music.

Here is a photo-montage of our target audience: